California Entertainment Event Sponsorship Agreement Attorney

California Entertainment Event Sponsorship Agreements Attorney Sebastian Gibson
California Entertainment Event Sponsorship Agreement Attorney will tell you, the importance of event sponsors cannot be overstated. While sponsorships alone will not provide event organizers of entertainment event with sufficient revenue to put on a well run event with entertainment that will entice attendance, they do provide event organizers with that extra revenue that can make the difference between a poorly attended event that gets bad revues and an event that people will want to come back to year after year.
When choosing a California Entertainment Event Sponsorship Agreement Attorney to draft your event sponsorship agreement, you want an attorney who will spend the time necessary to see you obtain a beneficial relationship with the sponsors for your entertainment event.
Among our practice areas in the field of entertainment are motion pictures, television, music, publishing, modeling, model management, talent agencies, video on demand movie projects, copyrights, trademarks, entertainment events, music and film festivals, live performances, concerts, world tours, comedy festivals, fashion events, athletic events, sponsor parties, sponsorship agreements, endorsement agreements, licensing, merchandise agreements, performing artist contracts, charity events, book options for films and television, stage productions, art, fashion, modeling, publicity and privacy rights, misuse of images, athlete and celebrity representation and international entertainment matters.

Entertainment Event Sponsorship Attorney Sebastian Gibson
Turn to A California Entertainment Event Agreement Attorney Experienced In Drafting Event Sponsorship Agreements
To reduce the likelihood of sponsor disputes, entertainment event organizers should turn to Entertainment Event Sponsorship Agreement Attorneys who know how to draft, negotiate and review sponsorship agreements for the benefit of the event organizers.
California Entertainment Event Sponsorship Attorney Sebastian Gibson has over 40 years of experience in contract matters and has been named a Top Lawyer by the prestigious Palm Springs Life Magazine for 10 years in a row. He also has a “Superb” rating by Avvo (their highest rating) which reviews attorneys across the nation.
In addition, California Entertainment Event Sponsorship Agreement Attorney has law degrees in both California and in Great Britain and he’s practiced law in both countries extensively. He’s been called “Brilliant” and “A Legend.” If you want a California Entertainment Event Lawyer on your side, call the Offices of California Entertainment Event Sponsorship Agreement Attorney today.
What Sponsors Want And The Event Organizers Need for Each to Succeed
Exclusive Sponsors and Sponsor Categories
Event sponsors want to be the exclusive sponsor in their category of products. Think a certain type of beverage.
Event attorneys need to strictly define of the sponsor’s category in the sponsorship agreement so it’s not so broad as to preclude other beneficial sponsors. Break beverages into numerous categories.
Benefits of Event Sponsorship
Event sponsors want to have every possible type of benefit they can persuade the event organizers to confer to them.
Event lawyers need to apportion the benefits they confer in the event sponsorship agreement to all their sponsors with the best benefits given to the highest paying sponsors.
Event sponsors want as much visibility as they can get.
Event lawyers must specify the materials, equipment, signage, etc. of each sponsor so certain sponsors don’t drown out the visibility of all the others.
Payments by Event Sponsors
Event sponsors of course, want to pay as little in cash and benefits as possible.
Event lawyers need to create categories of sponsorship fees to both entice sponsors to choose the highest categories and to not exclude sponsors who can’t afford fees that are too high, but who would still like to be involved in the event.
Event sponsors will want to pay their sponsorship fees in installments so they have less that is in issue if the event is cancelled and a refund is at issue. If the sponsorship fees are paid in installments, they may also require proof before each payment is due that further progress has been achieved in the planning of and contracting for the event to take place before they issue their next payment. They may even want to have their payment based on the attendance of the event or on presales figures.
Event attorneys would rather have the sponsor pay their fees in one lump sum upon execution of the event sponsorship agreement.
Event Sponsorship Renewals
Event sponsors want the right to renew their sponsorships for subsequent years in case the event grows in popularity.
Event attorneys want to ensure the event can decline to allow a sponsor who didn’t fit in with the event to return in future years and need to be able to increase the sponsorship category fees as the event grows in size and cost to put on.
Event sponsors want a right of first refusal to sponsor an event in future years.
Event lawyers will want to strictly limit the right of an event sponsor in the event agreement to have a right of first refusal if not preclude it all together so as to not preclude other sponsors from sponsoring the event in future years.
Sponsor Trademarks
Event sponsor need to restrict the display of their trademarks in such a manner as to tarnish their marks. They may also want to restrict the sale of merchandise with or without their trademarks.
Event attorneys drafting event sponsorship agreements need to limit the restrictions in order to reduce the chances of a dispute and subsequent litigation. Event attorneys will also want to ensure that the event organizers have the right to create and sell merchandise at the event and online. Consequently, the event sponsorship agreement needs to be clear on the right of the event organizers to do this without the use of the sponsor’s trademarks.
Event Insurance
Both the event sponsors and the event attorneys will want to ensure that both the sponsor and the event as well as each event vendor carries a sufficient amount of commercial general liability, worker’s compensation and professional liability insurance. Nothing ruins an event like not having insurance for an event or situation neither the sponsor nor the event organizers imagined could occur.
It isn’t sufficient simply to ensure that the sponsors and the event organizers obtain sufficient insurance to cover accidents. Lawsuits can be filed for defamation, advertising injury as well as for accidents caused not only by the event itself, but also by vendors and other patrons. Neither the sponsor nor the event organizers should want to be held liable for lost profits, or for punitive damages in any claims against each other. And neither party will want to be considered the partner of the other for liability purposes.
In addition, the sponsor’s attorneys and the event’s attorneys need to agree as to who will have the responsibility of handling claims, making settlements, paying deductibles and paying for attorney’s fees and costs to the extent the insurance policies and the insurance companies don’t handle or pay for them.
Event Publicity
Event sponsors will want the event to highly publicize the event.
Event lawyers must include confidentiality provisions so the event organizers are not in breach of their agreements with performers, or which divulge their lineups before the event organizers are ready to publicize them or which divulge the event organizers’ other business plans or their revenues.
Event Cancellation
Event sponsors will want to limit the circumstances that allow the event organizers to cancel the event.
Event attorneys must carefully draft the Force Majeur clause to ensure that the event is not in breach of contract when events outside their control, such as the weather, prevent the event from taking place.
Event sponsors will want the event sponsorship agreement to provide for a refund of the sponsorship fee if the event organizers either cancel or postpone the event or if they breach the agreement.
Event attorneys will want to preclude any refund if the event is merely postponed, and will further want to ensure that only material breaches of the contract carry any significance, and that the sponsor must provide written notice of the breach to the event organizers who then have a period to cure the breach.
Indemnity of Event Sponsors, the Event and the Event Organizers
Event sponsors will want the event sponsorship agreement to contain indemnity provisions for any number of situations such as negligence, willful misconduct, copyright or trademark infringement, or breach of a morals clause.
Event attorneys must ensure that the sponsorship agreement limits any such indemnity clause only to material breaches, and that the indemnity is reciprocal.
Representations and Warranties
Both the event sponsors and the event organizer’s attorneys will want to craft representation and warranty clauses. Event sponsors will want the event organizers to provide representations about the event itself, the attendance, publicity the event organizers will obtain, and advertising. Event attorneys will, however, seek to limit the scope and extent of such promises by the event organizers to avoid breach of contract issues if the representations of the event organizers prove false.
Termination of Event Sponsorship
Event sponsors will seek to insert a right to terminate their sponsorship in the sponsorship agreement should certain representations not take place, such as the event, specified levels of attendance, publicity, advertising, etc. Additionally, they will want the right to terminate their sponsorship if there is a scandal, or if the event organizers run out of money.
Event attorneys will seek to limit the sponsor’s rights to terminate the agreement.
Additional Event Sponsorship Agreement Provisions
Both the event sponsors and the event organizer’s lawyers will want to craft additional provisions that they are most concerned with.
It is important that the rights of the performing artists are not infringed, that clearances are obtained, and that the right to exhibit any footage on social media and advertising is clearly delineated.
Event Security and Hot Potato Issues
Security should be a concern of both the event sponsors and the event organizers.
In light of the combustive nature of taking sides politically, or on subjects which are highly divisive, both parties should agree to ensure the event does not imply support or antagonism toward any such issues.
Each party should agree to seek to ensure there is nondiscrimination in their activities in connection with the event, that the civil rights of patrons are protected, that laws will be complied with, that all necessary licenses, permits, fees and assessments have been obtained or paid for, and that performance deadlines will be met.
Mediation, Arbitration and Litigation
Mediation and arbitration terms need to be addressed. In addition, the parties will need to decide whether or not to include a clause that in the event of litigation, the prevailing party shall be entitled to their attorney fees and costs. This can be great if a party is certain of success, and a huge penalty if they’re wrong.
The Governing Law of the Event Sponsorship Agreement
It is common to have the governing law of the agreement to be the state in which the event is held, although the sponsor may want it to be elsewhere.

California Entertainment Attorney Sebastian Gibson
California Event Sponsorship Agreement Attorney Sebastian Gibson
In today’s world, you need an attorney who understands your needs when planning an entertainment event and you’re faced with the need to obtain sponsors on terms that are to your advantage and not just of benefit to the sponsors.
California Entertainment Event Sponsorship Agreement Attorney will utilize his experience to draft and negotiate agreements drafted specifically for your needs, and can review event sponsorship agreements provided to you for signature by event sponsors.
As a California Entertainment Lawyer, Sebastian Gibson provides legal services to clients throughout California and to individuals and entities in the entertainment industry from around the world.
The time to act is well before an entertainment event takes place and you find yourselves flatfooted with sponsorship agreements that aren’t beneficial in the ways you thought they would be when unforseen events arise.
Call California Event Sponsorship Agreement Attorney Sebastian Gibson today at (760) 776-1810 or email us at
California Entertainment Event Sponsorship Agreement Attorney has been named a 2022 Top Lawyer by Palm Springs Life for the 12th year in a row.