California Healthcare Medical Spa Setup Compliance Attorney
California Healthcare Medical Spa Setup Compliance Attorney – Providing Legal Guidance for Your Med Spa or IV Hydration Business
California Healthcare Medical Spa Setup Compliance Attorney Sebastian Gibson
The medical spa and IV hydration industry is growing fast in California. Many Registered Nurses, Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants are looking to enter the aesthetics and wellness space. However, strict California laws and regulations and guidance from the California Medical Board govern these businesses. Non-compliance can lead to costly fines, penalties, or even business closure and the loss of a nursing or PA license.
At the Law Offices of California Healthcare Medical Spa Setup Compliance Attorney Sebastian Gibson, we specialize in helping these registered nurses, nurse practitioners and physician assistants to understand the many legal requirements of starting and operating a compliant medical spa or IV hydration clinic in California.
Whether you’re launching a new medical spa or a mobile IV hydration business, or looking to ensure your existing business remains compliant, California Healthcare Medical Spa Setup Compliance Attorney Sebastian Gibson is here to provide the necessary contracts, guidance, and strategies to protect your investment and keep your operations running smoothly and in compliance before you’re investigated for not having a medical director, a fictitious name permit or other violation of California law.
A Trusted and Respected California Healthcare Medical Spa Setup Compliance Attorney for Registered Nurses, Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants Wanting to Start Their Own Business
It’s no surprise, a great many nurses throughout the state of California are turning to California Healthcare Medical Spa Setup Compliance Attorney Sebastian Gibson for help in setting up their California Medical Spa or Mobile IV Hydration Infusion Therapy Business. We represent registered nurses, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants from San Diego, Orange County and Los Angeles to San Jose, Santa Rosa, San Francisco and Sacramento and everywhere in between, all throughout California.
When you call our office for assistance with opening a medical spa or mobile IV hydration business, you’ll speak directly with California Healthcare Medical Spa Setup Compliance Attorney Sebastian Gibson. We’ll give you an overview of what’s required under California law and guidance from the California Medical Board so you know exactly what’s required to be compliant and how to protect your medical license as a registered nurse or nurse practitioner. And don’t worry about needing to come to our office. We handle everything with emails and mail to save you the need to come see us.
Our paramount goal in assisting nurses and physician assistants to set up their medical spa, mobile IV hydration business or mobile IV is to set up your new venture within the guidelines of California Medical Board guidance so your nursing or PA license is not at risk. So whether you’re a nurse in the Fresno, Palm Springs, Newport Beach, Irvine or Anaheim, Oakland, Long Beach or Stockton, you can count on California Healthcare Medical Spa Setup Compliance Attorney Sebastian Gibson to provide you with the advice, guidance, contracts and assistance you need to start your new endeavor.
Whether you’re a Registered Nurse, Nurse Practitioner or a Physician Assistant, California Healthcare Medical Spa Setup Compliance Attorney Sebastian Gibson can help you understand what’s required under California law help you become compliant with California Medical Board guidance. The California Medical Board investigates medical spas in California so you want to make sure your med spa or mobile IV hydration infusion therapy business is set up correctly from the start.
Choosing A Name for Your Med Spa or IV Hydration Business That Doesn’t Infringe the Trademark Rights of Another Med Spa or IV Therapy Business Owner
California Healthcare Medical Spa Setup Compliance Attorney Sebastian Gibson can help you in choosing the name to use for your medical spa or mobile IV drip hydration infusion therapy business and advise you as well should you wish to obtain a trademark as well as how to keep from choosing a name that someone else is using which could cause you to receive a cease and desist letter.
We can advise you how best to use marketing tools to safely and legally market your medical spa or IV hydration business and how to protect your assets as well with insurance, an MSO (which is normally a LLC), a trademark search so your name isn’t infringing someone else’s trademark, and with carefully drafted corporate documents and agreements.
It’s extremely important to have us file both your Professional Medical Corporation and your LLC, rather than using a cheaper service that has no knowledge of healthcare law or the steps we take that they wouldn’t think of to protect the interests of our nurse clients. When clients have jumped the gun and formed an LLC on their own or formed the wrong type of corporation, their money has just gone down the drain in many cases.
Name checks have to be made with the Secretary of State, the California Medical Board database of fictitious names already granted, with a company that sells domain names and even more importantly, with the Trademark Office at the USPTO (U.S. Patent and Trademark Office) to see if someone else in your same class of services is using the same or a similar name.
It’s also important for clients to do a great number of searches on Google to see if anyone is using the same name you want to use or a similar name. Even if a person hasn’t trademarked a business name in your class of services, they can still obtain common law prior usage rights to a name that gives them the basis to send you a cease and desist letter to stop using the name you’ve been using or face a lawsuit for catastrophic damages.
Protecting Registered Nurses and Nurse Practitioners In A Medical Spa or IV Hydration Business Formation
When California Healthcare Medical Spa Setup Compliance Attorney is asked by a medical professional such as a Registered Nurse or Nurse Practitioner to set up their medical spa or mobile IV Hydration business who has a collaborating physician lined up to be their Medical Director (or who is still looking for that perfect physician to be the Medical Director), we need to form a Professional Medical Corporation with the physician owning 51% of the shares and the nurse owning the other 49% of the shares.
However, if the nurse is the party making the investment to form the business and is paying for the legal fees, website and will be doing most of the work, all of which are common, we can form the Professional Medical Corporation to protect the interests of the nurse in large respect and have her rewarded appropriately for all of the work he or she will be providing.
After all, if you are the nurse who will be performing all of the procedures with a medical director available for emergencies and supervision from their location (and for good faith exams if you’re not a nurse practitioner with good faith exams delegated to you in a nurse delegation agreement), you’re entitled to the vast majority of what comes into the Professional Medical Corporation.
An MSO, which is usually an LLC, can be utilized to perform administrative matters for the Professional Medical Corporation and can be owned 100% by you, our client nurse. In addition, all of the business assets can be kept in the MSO for which the MSO is paid fair market value for reimbursement of its expenses and management of the Professional Medical Corporation.
Reasons Why It’s Best to Hire California Healthcare Medical Spa Setup Compliance Attorney Sebastian Gibson To Set Up Your Own Business Rather Than Grant Control to Some Multistate Entity That Takes Control of Your Bank Account
The primary goals of California Healthcare Medical Spa Setup Compliance Attorney Sebastian Gibson in forming the structure of a medical spa or IV hydration infusion therapy business in California are 1) to strictly follow California law and California Medical Board guidance; 2) protect the interests of our client (we only represent nurses and PA’s, not physicians); 3) protect the licenses of our client; 4) provide our services in as efficiently, quickly, professionally and in as inexpensively as possible based on our experience in doing so for many similar clients; and 5) afford our clients the opportunity to be their own boss rather than part of some large entity that takes a share of your profits.
Unfortunately today, many nurses are being convinced by big corporations in states like Florida or Texas where the rules are looser, that all a nurse needs to practice medicine in a medical spa or IV hydration business is an LLC. Nothing could be farther from the truth.
The California Medical Board through the Consumer Protection Agency regularly investigates medical spas undercover. If a nurse or physician assistant hasn’t followed California law or California Medical Board guidance in creating the business structure and doesn’t have protocols, or a fictitious name permit, for instance, their licenses could be in jeopardy.
Compliance of Your Medical Spa To Protect Your Nursing License
One of the primary reasons why nurses throughout California come to California Healthcare Medical Spa Setup Compliance Attorney Sebastian Gibson to set up their medical spa, mobile IV hydration business or mobile IV business, is to set up their new venture within the guidelines of California Medical Board guidance so their nursing license is not at risk. So whether you’re a nurse in the Fresno, Palm Springs, Newport Beach, Irvine or Anaheim, Oakland, Long Beach or Stockton, you can count on California Healthcare Medical Spa Setup Compliance Attorney Sebastian Gibson to provide you with the advice, guidance, contracts and assistance you need to start your new endeavor.
And whether you’re a Registered Nurse, Nurse Practitioner or a Physician Assistant, California Healthcare Medical Spa Setup Compliance Attorney Sebastian Gibson can help you understand what’s required under California law help you become compliant with California Medical Board guidance. The California Medical Board investigates medical spas in California so you want to make sure your med spa or mobile IV hydration infusion therapy business is set up correctly from the start.
The Experience of California Healthcare Medical Spa Setup Compliance Attorney Sebastian Gibson
California Healthcare Medical Spa Setup Compliance Attorney Sebastian Gibson has been called “Brilliant” and “A Legend.” With over 45 years of experience in California and internationally as well for a number of those years as an international attorney, California Healthcare Medical Spa Setup Compliance Attorney Sebastian Gibson has been named a Top Lawyer by the prestigious Palm Springs Life Magazine and “Superb” (their highest rating) by Avvo which evaluates attorneys across the U.S.
With offices in Palm Desert and Newport Beach, we provide assistance to our clients throughout California from San Diego to San Francisco, all up and down the coast, to the desert, the mountain areas, the farmlands and rural areas in the central parts of the states, from one side to the other and from the very tip of the state to the southern end of California.
When you need help, we’re ready to help you whenever you need us. Call us today at (760) 776-1810 and speak directly to California Healthcare Medical Spa Setup Compliance Attorney Sebastian Gibson or email us at
Convenience and Trust When You Retain California Healthcare Medical Spa Setup Compliance Attorney Sebastian Gibson
Since Covid began we’ve made it more convenient than ever for registered nurses, nurse practitioners and physician assistants busy with their current jobs to avail themselves of our services wherever they are located. There is no need to take time off from work to come to one of our offices when we can and do provide everything you need by phone and email. When original documents must be signed, we send them by priority mail to you.
Therefore, whether you’re located in San Francisco, Santa Rosa, San Jose or Sacramento, or working in Los Angeles, Riverside, San Diego or anywhere in Orange County or any other county or city in the state of California, you can count on us to provide you with all the legal services you need for your medical spa or IV hydration business from our offices in Newport Beach and Palm Desert.
We assist registered nurses, nurse practitioners and physician assistants seeking to open a medical spa or IV Hydration business from cities up and down the coast of California and inland areas in cities and counties throughout California.
With offices in Palm Desert and Newport Beach, we provide assistance to our clients throughout California from San Diego to San Francisco, all up and down the coast, to the desert, the mountain areas, the farmlands and rural areas in the central parts of the states, from one side to the other and from the very tip of the state to the southern end of California.
When you need help, we’re ready to help you whenever you need us. Call us today at (760) 776-1810 and speak directly to Attorney Sebastian Gibson or email us at
So call us at (760) 776-1810 or email us at at your convenience. We’re just that close and we’re just a phone call or email away.
Let us help you build a compliant and thriving med spa business in California!