California Mobile Medical Clinic Attorney

California Mobile Medical Clinic Attorney Sebastian Gibson, The Right Choice. Named a Top Lawyer 14 Years in a Row and now with Over 45 Years of Experience.
If you’re thinking about operating a California medical clinic, with the additional cost of outfitting a coach to serve as your California mobile medical clinic and the restrictions cities can put on you, you need California Mobile Medical Clinic Attorney Sebastian Gibson who specializes in California mobile medical clinics to advise you and guide you through the laws and regulations that govern these services in California.
California Mobile Medical Clinic Attorney Sebastian Gibson can take you through the steps that need to be followed in order to be in compliance with California law not only before you see your first patient, but what procedures are required once you are operating your California mobile medical clinic.
When you consider the time and costs you will need to spend to be in compliance, the corporate structure, documents, trademark protection and documentation of your medical services, you need to ensure all your efforts are not in vain. But before you go out and buy an Airstream coach or similar vehicle for a mobile medical clinic, talk to us. It’s much more complicated to be licensed as a mobile medical clinic than it is to operate a mobile IV hydration business or a bricks and mortar med spa in California.
Whether you wish to operate a mobile medical spa, mobile medical clinic or mobile IV hydration business in Los Angeles, San Diego, Palm Springs or Fresno, or are thinking instead of having your medical spa or medical clinic in San Francisco, Santa Rosa, San Jose or Sacramento, we’ve got you covered. We represent clients throughout California and can make it as easy as possible for you to obtain the agreements, support and guidance you need for your new endeavor. And don’t worry about needing to come to our office. We handle everything with emails and mail to save you the need to come see us.
At the Law Offices of California Mobile Medical Clinic Attorney Sebastian Gibson, we provide legal advice, draft contracts and business agreements and provide the right corporate structure for mobile medical clinics, medical spas and mobile IV drip hydration businesses, trademark and copyright protection and we can help you understand the differences involved in operating a California mobile medical clinic.
California Mobile Medical Clinic Attorney Sebastian Gibson offers California mobile medical clinic owners with more than 45 years of representing business and corporate clients and is ready today to assist you today in your endeavors to grow and prosper without legal worries.
When you work with California Mobile Medical Clinic Attorney Sebastian Gibson, you’re working with with an attorney who has been named a Top Lawyer in the prestigious Palm Springs Life Magazine year after year, most recently in 2024 and now for the past 14 years in a row. He’s also been named a “Superb” Lawyer, their highest rating, by Avvo, which rates attorneys all across the U.S. Sebastian Gibson is one of those rare attorneys with experience not only representing small and medium sized businesses in California, but a lawyer who has also represented multi-national corporations internationally as well while working in London and one who has been named a Top Lawyer year after year.
Choosing The Right California Mobile Medical Clinic Attorney
If you have a mobile medical clinic, or are in the process of creating a California mobile medical clinic, you need to ensure you have the proper licensing, the right people who are both qualified and required by California law to be involved in the formation of a medical clinic and a California medical clinic lawyer for your entity is essential.
You not only need to the right business entity in California, but a complete understanding of the laws and regulations which not only govern medical clinics but the separate regulations which govern mobile medical clinics in order to avoid being in violation of the law and subject to investigation by the California medical board.
California Mobile Medical Clinic Attorney Sebastian Gibson has been recognized by the prestigious Palm Springs Life Magazine as One of the Top Lawyers of 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012 and 2011. He’s been called “Brilliant” and “A Legend.” If you want a top lawyer on your side for your mobile medical clinic in California, call Sebastian Gibson today at (760) 776-1810.
If you want your California mobile medical clinic set up correctly from the start, call the Law Firm of California Mobile Medical Clinic Attorney Sebastian Gibson and put a top-rated law firm on your side protecting your best interests and your assets from claims for medical malpractice and your licenses from revocation.
Convenience When You Retain California IV Hydration and Med Spa Attorney Sebastian Gibson
You’ll be pleased to know there’s no need for you to come to either of our offices. Since Covid began some years back, we began representing our clients all over California simply by phone, email and mail rather than by requiring clients to drive to one of our two offices. Today, it’s easier than ever to get set up as a mobile IV hydration business or a California Medical Spa or a mobile health clinic with the help of our offices.
Simply send us an email from the contact page on this website or call me for a free consultation in which I’ll give you a complete overview of how we set up IV Hydration business and California medical spas and mobile medical clinics in California under California law and the guidance from the California Medical Board.
California Mobile Medical Clinics
California has set forth a set of regulations governing mobile health care clinics which need to be followed in order to be in compliance with California laws and regulations.
The thought by some that they should be able to simply operate a mobile medical clinic by performing procedures and treatments solely in the homes of the patients they visit, with the risk of allergens, dog and cat hair and in these pandemic times, the further risk of droplets in the air that can cause a Covid-19 infection, is not only risky but foolhardy for both the patients and the mobile medical clinic licensed personnel.
Not only is it important to operate a mobile medical clinic from a vehicle such as an Airstream coach or other similar coach, but whatever type of coach is chosen must be as safe for patients as a doctor’s office with all of the precautions taken to ensure the health and safety of doctors, nurses, licensed personnel and patients involved in the mobile medical clinic as would be in a medical office.
California Mobile Medical Clinic Regulations
A mobile medical clinic may operate as an adjunct to a licensed health facility or to a licensed clinic or as an independent-freestanding clinic.
They must be licensed but no additional license fee is imposed solely because a service is to be provided in a mobile medical clinic.
The mobile medical clinic vehicle must comply with the applicable requirements of the Vehicle Code, have a vehicle identification number, and bear an insignia issued by the California Department of Housing and Community Development.
Before operating a mobile medical clinic it must be licensed separately or as an addition to another medical clinic license. It is not required that each site where the mobile medical clinic operates be licensed or approved by the California Department of Public Health unless the mobile medical clinic will be operating outside of the proposed area or areas specified in the application for its license.
California Mobile Medical Clinic Licenses
An application for a license must include (1) The proposed service to be provided;
(2) The expected hours and days of operation; (3) The type and the manufacturer of the mobile vehicle contemplated; and (4) The proposed area or areas where the mobile medical clinic will be providing services.
Prior to obtaining approval to operate a mobile medical clinic, an onsite inspection is performed, including, but not limited to, a review of policies and procedures. Mobile medical clinic vehicles are also periodically inspected and reviewed for compliance.
Any officer, employee, or agent of the Department of Public Health may enter and inspect any mobile medical clinic vehicle and may have access to and inspect any document, file, or other record, of a mobile medical clinic vehicle or of a parent facility operating a mobile medical clinic, at any reasonable time to assure compliance with, or to prevent violation of, California law.
Services offered by a mobile medical clinic vehicle is then listed as approved services on the license granted.
Licenses issued authorizing operation of a mobile medical clinic as an addition to existing parent facility license must be posted at the parent facility. Licenses authorizing operation of an independent mobile medical clinic must be posted at the administrative headquarters of the licensee. A true copy of the license must also be posted within the mobile medical clinic vehicle.
California Mobile Medical Clinic Vehicles
A mobile medical clinic vehicle must be of sufficient size and arranged in a manner that is appropriate for the provision of those medical clinic services it is licensed to provide.
It must be equipped with appropriate utilities for the comfort and safety of patients, and it must be maintained in good repair and in a clean and sanitary manner.
Any proposed modifications to previously approved services and procedures must first be reviewed and approved before they are implemented. Modifications to the mobile medical clinic vehicle must also be approved.
The licensee of the mobile medical clinic must report the location of the site at least 24 hours prior to the operation of a mobile medical clinic at any site for the first time.
Required Written Policies of California Mobile Medical Clinics
There must be written policies established by the licensee which govern the services that the mobile medical clinic provides. The policies shall include, but shall not be limited to, policies related to patient care, personnel training and orientation, personnel supervision, and evaluation of services provided by the mobile medical clinic.
There must be written policies regarding patient selection criteria.
The medical clinic licensee must develop and implement the written policies and procedures for the mobile medical clinic in consultation with other appropriate health care professionals and ensure that the written policies and procedures are consistent with the policies and procedures of the parent facility, if any.
The licensee must ensure that the policies and written procedures shall be approved by the governing body, administration, and medical staff of the licensee, where appropriate.
Written policies and procedures include, but are not limited to (1) Scope of services; (2) Procedures for the performance of the services provided; (3) Quality assurance; (4) Infection control; (5) Medical record documentation of services provided, as appropriate; (6) Transport of patients, including, but not limited to, method, special equipment, necessary personnel, and protection from inclement weather; (7) Emergency services and evacuation plan for the mobile medical clinic including but not limited to, provisions for communication with, and transportation to, one or more nearby hospitals and other health facilities as needed to meet medical emergencies and procedures that include personnel needed to assist in the transfer, as well as provisions for meeting medical needs to accommodate the emergency transfer; (8) Location; and (9) Schedule of mobile medical clinic services;
A mobile medical clinic must also maintain clinical records on each patient, in accordance with regulations, and maintain a mobile medical clinic services log that shall include, but shall not be limited to, the patient chart or identification number, the name, age, and sex of patient and the site, date, time, and as appropriate, duration of procedures.
Procedures and services to be provided by the mobile medical clinic shall be in accordance with recognized acceptable standards of practice.
A mobile medical clinic must have supplies and equipment to meet the needs of the patients served.
Any mobile medical clinic X-ray equipment must be in compliance with the requirements in the California Radiation Control Regulations.
The mobile medical clinic vehicle shall have fire safety equipment as specified by the fire authority having jurisdiction, including but not limited to, at least two fire extinguishers of 2A:20 BC rating.
The licensee must have documented evidence of preventative maintenance and calibration procedures of mobile medical clinic equipment shall conform to the manufacturer’s specifications.
Use of the equipment in mobile medical clinic vehicles shall conform to the manufacturer’s specifications.
And the mobile medical clinic vehicle must have a telecommunications device.
California Mobile Medical Clinic Attorney Sebastian Gibson Is There For You
California Mobile Medical Clinic Attorney Sebastian Gibson has been chosen one of the Top Lawyers for the past 14 years by Palm Springs Life Magazine for good reason. The author of thousands of articles on the internet, Sebastian Gibson has also written for the Los Angeles and San Francisco Daily Journal newspapers and is a published book author with sales throughout the U.S.
With law degrees in both the U.S. and the U.K., California Mobile Medical Clinic Attorney Sebastian Gibson has over 45 years of experience in California and in England. He’s been frequently interviewed on radio and TV for his expertise and is widely followed on Twitter and the internet.
Choosing the right lawyer for your mobile medical clinic can make all the difference. Sebastian Gibson is known for his wit and humor, and has also been named as a “Superb” Lawyer by Avvo, which rates attorneys throughout the U.S.
How We Can Help With Your Legal Matters In Your California Mobile Health Care Clinic Operation
From Palm Springs and Palm Desert, to Orange County and San Diego, our mobile health care expertise can be of assistance to you. We can assist you in your mobile medical clinic legal matters from Los Angeles to Palm Springs, from Santa Barbara to San Diego and from Orange County to San Francisco. We assist clients in a wide range of business matters from Newport Beach to Anaheim, Santa Ana and Irvine, from cities up and down the coast of California and inland as well as to business clients in other parts of the U.S. and internationally.
Again, don’t worry about needing to come to our office. We can handle everything these days with the use of emails and Priority Express Mail for one day delivery of important documents.
Set Up A Consultation Today
If you have legal questions of how to get started as a mobile medical clinic in California and need a business lawyer to draft agreements or to set up your corporate structure, let us assist you and draft the agreements which will best serve your needs.
If you need assistance setting up your California mobile medical clinic, you’ll want to take advantage of our expertise. Simply call the number at the top of this page and talk directly with California Mobile Medical Clinic Attorney Sebastian Gibson.
With offices in California in Palm Desert and Newport Beach and years of experience in London, Attorney Sebastian Gibson can assist you with your mobile medical clinic legal matters throughout California.
Because of the complexity of laws and regulations governing California mobile medical clinics, we recommend that individuals already operating a California mobile medical clinic and anyone contemplating opening one or considering operating a mobile medical clinic in California retain Attorney Sebastian Gibson for at least an hour of time for a conference call to discuss what rules need to be followed in order to be in compliance with California laws and regulations with regard to California medical clinics and mobile medical clinics. We charge our hourly rate for such conference calls, but the cost is well worth the money to understand what is required for a mobile medical clinic in California to be in compliance.
When it matters most and you need a California mobile medical clinic lawyer for your endeavor, call California Mobile Medical Clinic Attorney Sebastian Gibson at (760) 776-1810 to discuss how we can best assist you with your legal matters and protect your mobile medical clinic business.